Perfecting Your Processes for Prime Performance

Technology can be a wonderful thing–when used correctly. Tech tools empower your association to communicate efficiently and share information effectively. But all too often, disconnects exist among your technology and information systems. That can lead to annoying, frustrating, and even costly problems. Imagine your membership software isn’t syncing up with your accounting program. Or, the […]

Selecting Great Staff Starts at the Top

Having the right people in place can make or break your association. You need staff members who are knowledgeable, professional, and dedicated. Without those qualities, your association can’t thrive. The key piece of your personnel puzzle: the chief staff officer. Many feel this person needs deep knowledge of the industry. But what will likely serve […]

What no one tells you about choosing an Association Management Company

What no one tells you about choosing an Association Management Company We know most association management companies (AMCs) list similar benefits when asked why you should work with them. Phrases like years of experience, mastery of association management systems, and focus on your mission come to mind. Don’t get me wrong. Those skill sets and capabilities are […]

Avoid Association Horror Stories

In an association, it can be daunting to keep track of the many day-to-day details. But it’s vital to get a firm grasp on what each department or employee is doing. Mistakes can happen when one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. If you’re not paying attention, oversights and even unscrupulous lapses in […]

Association Management: The Ins, the Outs and the Advantages

Any organization is only as good as the team it has. Expertise and experience are put to the test every day, and when resources are scarce, it only becomes more obvious where the strengths and weaknesses lie. Is your team aware of all the tasks that need to be taken care of? Do they know […]

Making Sense of Association Management Systems

Wouldn’t it be great if shopping for an association management system were as simple as buying a new shirt? You find one, try it on and – if it fits – you buy it.  Unfortunately, finding the right AMS is a much bigger headache than a trip to the mall. There are many vendors to […]

Allies Not Enemies: National and Local Association Chapters Need to Get Along

Are your association’s national office and local chapters working in harmony? If those two teams aren’t fully cooperating and communicating closely, you could be failing the most important people in your organization: your members. A disconnect between your divisions means vital data and valuable resources aren’t getting shared. Without that free exchange of information, the […]